Tareva-Chine Corazon
AditiVice President
Degree: Bachelor of Science Advanced
Major (and any minors): Microbiology/Immunology and biochemistry Hobbies: Singing to my ukulele, cooking, meeting new people, learning about different cultures and binge watching and regretting later of course. Facts about me: I am immensely fascinated with the tiny yet colossal world of microorganisms and love Reading about space and the world beyond our planet (either microscopic or extremely massive there’s no in between). Roles/Goals in AUScA: Be an active part of the university sciences community and establish healthy friendships with like minded people, such that we all continue to grow and learn together, while having fun of course. |
Zoe TinklerTreasurer
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
Majors: Biochemistry and Microbiology/ Immunology Interests/Hobbies: Traveling, Camping, Cooking and Sports Roles/Goals in AUScA: My goal is to work with more charities to benefit the outside community and to support our growing club on campus. I also aim to involve more students in our community and to build relationships and connections with other scientists here at Adelaide Uni! |
Vencel MilassinSecretary
Degree: BSc. Biomedical Science
Major: Genetics and Microbiology/Immunology Interests/Hobbies: Cycling and traveling Facts about me: I was born in Hungary Roles/Goals in AUScA: My goal is to get more people involved in AUScA and expand our community. More interaction with like-minded science-loving people will allow for bigger events, more fun and more opportunities for all of our members! (Note: Image may or may not look absolutely nothing like Vencel) |
Talha IsmailEvents Officer
Degree: Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced)
Major: Data Science Interests/Hobbies: Hiking (when it’s not too hot), Gaming, Music, Singing (both in & out of the shower), and pretty much anything I can do with people I like Facts about me: I’ve graduated now but I still love working in events/planning (which is why I joined this committee), and I hope to do that full time at some point. I am also about 1% titanium. Roles/Goals in AUScA: I hope to carry out my role to the best of my ability and make sure all events go as planned. |
Angie Jones
Mariana Couto Moniz
Kael Kemp Degree: BSc. of Science (Space Sc & Astrophysics)
Major: Physics Interests/Hobbies: guitar, bass, vocals, music Facts about me: Check out my band on spotify Roles/Goals in AUScA: I hope to accurately represent the 2nd year science cohort on the committee. |
AUScA Committee Roles
The role of the President is to lead all other Committee members, ensuring the Club is running as well as it could and the planning of events is moving forward. The President is also in charge of running the meetings, and will act as a Spokesperson for the Club.
The Vice-President assists the President, and is in command should the President be absent, or resign.
The Secretary is the record-keeper of the Club, writing the agenda and taking the minutes for every meeting. The Secretary is also in charge of scheduling of Committee members and volunteers for all events.
The role of Treasurer is to be in charge of the financials of the Club. They are in charge of handling the Club's bank account, financing each event, grant applications, and bookkeeping.
Events Officer:
The role of the Events Officer is to handle the planning of various events held throughout the year. They are responsible for the booking of venues, contacting relevant stakeholders and liaising with the Sciences Faculty.
Communications Officer (2 persons):
Communications Officers are in charge of Social Media Interactions, the Club email, and the Club website. The role is shared amongst two people due to the amount of responsibility it comes with. Traditionally one of the Communications Officers is also selected to be in charge of Pub Crawl planning.
Design Officer:
The role of the Design Officer is to create and design all the graphics needed for our events and marketing.
Sponsorship Officer:
A new role in 2021, the Sponsorship officer's role is to get sponsorship or create deals with businesses to provide members with deals, such as discounts.
First Year Representative:
The First Year Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of a First Year student, and is a representative of their Year Level.
Second Year Representative:
The Second Year Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of a Second Year student, and is a representative of their Year Level.
Third Year Representative:
The Third Year Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of a Third Year student, and is a representative of their Year Level.
Honours/Postgrad Representative:
The Honours/Postgrad Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of an experienced student, and is a representative of Honours and Postgrad students.
General Committee Member (2 persons):
The role of a General Committee Member is to attend meetings and provide input in the planning of events, as well as having a greater hand in the planning of events by joining various Subcommittees.
The role of the President is to lead all other Committee members, ensuring the Club is running as well as it could and the planning of events is moving forward. The President is also in charge of running the meetings, and will act as a Spokesperson for the Club.
The Vice-President assists the President, and is in command should the President be absent, or resign.
The Secretary is the record-keeper of the Club, writing the agenda and taking the minutes for every meeting. The Secretary is also in charge of scheduling of Committee members and volunteers for all events.
The role of Treasurer is to be in charge of the financials of the Club. They are in charge of handling the Club's bank account, financing each event, grant applications, and bookkeeping.
Events Officer:
The role of the Events Officer is to handle the planning of various events held throughout the year. They are responsible for the booking of venues, contacting relevant stakeholders and liaising with the Sciences Faculty.
Communications Officer (2 persons):
Communications Officers are in charge of Social Media Interactions, the Club email, and the Club website. The role is shared amongst two people due to the amount of responsibility it comes with. Traditionally one of the Communications Officers is also selected to be in charge of Pub Crawl planning.
Design Officer:
The role of the Design Officer is to create and design all the graphics needed for our events and marketing.
Sponsorship Officer:
A new role in 2021, the Sponsorship officer's role is to get sponsorship or create deals with businesses to provide members with deals, such as discounts.
First Year Representative:
The First Year Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of a First Year student, and is a representative of their Year Level.
Second Year Representative:
The Second Year Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of a Second Year student, and is a representative of their Year Level.
Third Year Representative:
The Third Year Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of a Third Year student, and is a representative of their Year Level.
Honours/Postgrad Representative:
The Honours/Postgrad Representative is the voice on the Committee that provides the perspective of an experienced student, and is a representative of Honours and Postgrad students.
General Committee Member (2 persons):
The role of a General Committee Member is to attend meetings and provide input in the planning of events, as well as having a greater hand in the planning of events by joining various Subcommittees.